v3.4 Version 3.4 Changelog -Fake a CaseReport for field population when the transmit flag is not used -Fix IndexError on get dx codes when there are not unreported encounters -Use the report field definition by plugin for NA-56 -Change function call to singular for better informational value -Add coode for plugin-defined report values -Put in missing self referecne -Change method call to property call -Refactor/fix reportable dx codes -Refatcor addLXOBX for DRYness -Add method to LabTestMap for creating/updating dummy labs so that they are correctly populated for the logic in case_report getSNOMED -Make if into elif for slightly more correct logic -Make result string in HL7 populate with up to 8 tokens (plus ellipses if appropriate) instead of just one token -Fix call to of negative_exclude_string_q_obj to positive_exclude_string_q_obj -Refactor getSNOMED so that all logic paths return a 4-tuple -Fix plugin setup to correctly install/uninstall/update selected plugins -Improve look and feel of setupPlugins (ESP-651) -Add procedure names, SNOMED form elements to lab mapping, rename output_code field to LOINC (ESP-650) -Add procedure_name to unmapped_labs ui table (ESP-596) -Move check for mapped labs into AbstractLabTest where unbound labs are derived from -Move LabResultPositiveTiterHeuristic from syphilis to hef.base -Modify event name methods in all LabHeuristics to rewrite short_name with a replace call where appropriate -Move test_name and date_field validation to BaseLabResultHeuristic. Default date_field to collection_date -Fix empty list comparator logic -Check for na-trmt and 5 via minidom inspection -Cleanup path references in .gitignore to match current project structure -Modify LabResult get_or_create in createDummyLab so that it can actually get records successfully -If lab result_date is None send date in the report -Make followup events order on an existing field -Use len() on list of QuerySets -Check for case.followup_sent early in the logic to vastly reduce queryset result size -Update case_requeue to determine requeue based on the existence of one or more unreporteds -Add migration for CaseReport sentinel fields -Save CaseReport after updating sentinels -Track if na_trmt and na-5 are true on CaseReport -Exclude the first lab incase.lab_reports from being reported in the additional labs hl7 report section. It is already in the report as the anchor lab -Add modern Ubuntu to system deps -Fix mutable type in method definition -emr migrations -Expand size of model fields -Initialize PrescriptionHeuritic names to lower() -Remove assert calls in production code. (ESP-612) -Check for None or empty lists in querysets for OBR record creation. (Close ESP-643) -Add date param on getPregnancyStatus to set the 30 window of interest. If None use the first case event date -Only pass dx_codes for unreported encounters -Fix reportable labs logic -When there are no reportable labs on a case call first_lab which will bootstrap a dummy lab into the events -Add dummy events to Case -Save dummy lab to events when needed -Make first/identifying lab either the first lab event or a dummy lab -Remove aggresive record saving that caused an integrity error -Fix Reported.from_case() orm related lookup -time_sent migration -Use auto_now_add for CaseReportReported time_sent -Return just [0] index of addLXOBX from createCaseSectionIdentifyingLab -Use the first reportable lab, not firs tevent lab, as identifying lab. Putting a dummy lab into events seems counterproductive -Fix incorrect call to orm .none() from reportable_labs -Unreported dx codes are derived from unreported encounters, don't need to be stored to the Reported table -Check type of reported pk to case the object_id correctly -Handle reportables tha have both interger and string pks -Add unreported dx_codes -Refactor _order_qs to default oredring to natural_key, also call it with ordering as a list -Add general function to order querysets when then have values -Remove field that doesn't exist from ordering -Use Case.objects.none() to return an EmptyQuerySet when needed -Fix relationship lookup -Null in initial lab for initial caserport creation -Use consistent ordering -Return a none() BasePatientRecord when there are no unreportable candidates -Add empty Report class to base to give time to remove unused inheriting code from disease plugins -Add reportable resend migrations -Fix incorrect unique field name -Reorder code for easier class referencing -Only list encounter events as unreported encounters -Only report distinct unreporteds, but register all as reported: -Reportable resend logic alpha -Remove old unused nodis.base.Report and deprecated management command that called it -Use property decorator for Nodis case properties -Refactor in preparation for reportable resend -Fix failing case_report --help -Remove ftp transmission from case_report -Add transaction to management handler -Remove unused getOtherLxs method -Remove NDC code from OBX.5 med string -Add rxRec.date into an OBX14 record in the report -Remove NA-TRMTDT from report -Fix Pregnancy NoneType error, remove not yet available first() call -Overload edd to have Yes/No/Date to indicate preganancy. (ESP-628) -Make LabTestMap extra and excluded strings wokr correctly -Improve float_or_none -Fix float_or_none to correctly handle values with units -Protect BaseEventHeuristic get_all from nested lists -Adding status value to dummy lab -queryset none() objects is modified in Django 1.6, append method no longer available -Fix Pregnancy reversion -Overload edd to have Yes/No/Date to indicate preganancy. (ESP-628) -Make LabTestMap extra and excluded strings wokr correctly -Require django >=1.8, <1.9 -Update management commands to be pythonic with argparse -line feed was breaking setupPlugins -Fix float_or_none to correctly handle values with units -Add pregnant_today_yn, change type of hiv_test_date (ESP-619) -CaseActiveHistory nullable field migration -The first parameter to render() is request -ManyToMany uses .add, not .append -Remove reference to 'HL7' as messages may also be in epic format -Add missing 'self' reference -parser arguments take type as a primitive -Upgrade from django_Tables to django_tables2 (ESP-466) -Delete reference to removed ss package -Finalize migrations -Fix tab/space mismatch -Remove restructuring cruft -Update generic use in nodis to django1.8 -Update management commands to use argparse options(ESP-582) -TEMPLATE_DEBUG is deprecated and defaults to the same value as DEBUG (ESP-582) -Remove null=true from M2M fields -Replace deprecated contenttypes.generic with correct contenttype.fields (ESP-582) -Remove transaction comment from settings (ESP-582) -Opt into SessionAuthenticationMidlleware (ESP-582) -Use new render() parameters (ESP-582) -USe new TEMPLATES definition in settings (ESP-582) -URL dispacther no longer uses `patterns` (ESP-582) -Remove `load cycle from future` template tag (ESP-582) -Bump required django to 1.8 -Remove south from setup.py, update version number -Update wsgi script (ESP-552) -Update from django.test to unittest -Move manage.py to the root as per current django practice -Remove unused requirements -Update INSTALLED_APPS, fix typo -Utilize django migrations (ESP-455) -Fix admin errors that failed system checks -Ignore files created by setup.sh -Remove templates for rmoved ss module -Use list literal where possible -Use dictionary literals where possible -Replace mutable parameters with immutables and value checks -Use x += y instead of x = x + y -{% extends %} should be first line in templates -fix deprecated HTML tags -Remove cruft -Inspection cleanups -Indentation fix to make code block reachable -Remove trailing semicolon -Fix super call signature -Remove duplicate keys from dicts -Replace equlity testing for None with is( not) -Correctly close
tag -Remove vestigial hef/defaults.py (ESP-449) -Replace render_ro_response, redirect_to with render() and redirect() respectively -Replace deprecated direct_to_template with render() or CBV where necessary -Replace mimetype with content_type (ESP-550) -MEDIA and STATIC url should have a trailing slash -Update to 1.6 trasaction api (ESP-563) -Remove unused and unworking vaers_hl7.py (ESP-583) -Replace order_by()[0] and order_by('-')[0] with .first() .last() (ESP-564) -Load future cycle (ESP-565) -Update manage due to deprecated removal -Require Django 1.6 (ESP-462) -Bump required Django version to 1.5 (ESP-463) -Add ALLOWED_HOSTS setting (ESP-557) -Update url tags with quoting(ESP-555) -Replace simplejson with standard lib json (ESP-556) v3.4.0.1 Version Bugfixes: -LabResultPositiveHeuristic indentaiton fix that caused generate to fail v3.4.0.2 Version Bugfix -Removed disallowed .select_related() call on a method that returns a ValueQuerySet v3.4.1 Version 3.4.1 Changelog -Remove LabResultPositiveTiterHeuristic v3.4.1.1 Version Changelog: -Remove titer re-analysis in getSNOMED. Trust the finding fr4om LabResult*Heurisitc v3.4.2 Version 3.4.2 Changelog -Require django-tables==1.2 -Change getSNOMED to never consider result_float for titer type heuristics v3.4.3 version tag bump for mods to case_report per JIRA 660