Overview of steps for new sites installing ESP for case reporting
- A kick-off meeting will be planned
- Appropriate IT staff and identified point person from the site should be present
- The implementation kit materials will be provided in advance
- During kick-off meeting
- Develop a timeline
- Review all materials and processes
- Site will provide an annotated copy of the File Spec on what they can/can’t report, important notes, etc.
- Site will provide a list with detailed descriptions of encounter types
- Discussion of specific data elements of interest with sites will occur at the kick off or subsequent meeting
- e.g. IV drug use, homelessness (desired but not yet in model); NDCs for prescription medications - in the model but need site-specific details
Provider Tasks
ESP Provider Tasks.pdf - outlines the process for installing ESP including responsibilities of care provider and Commonwealth InformaticsPending updates.
How To Guide
How To Install and Configure ESP on Ubuntu v1.12.docx
Overview of steps for new sites installing ESP for case reporting