For each new site the following will occur:Recommendations for new sites
- A kick-off meeting will be helphelpful, with the appropriate IT staff from the site present
- The implementation kit will be provided in advance
- DPM Dept of Population Medicine will develop a timeline
- Site Provider site will identify a point person
- Site will provide an annotated copy of the File Spec re on what they can/can’t report, important notes, etc.
- Discussion of data elements
- e.g. IV drug use, homelessness - desired but not yet in model
- e.g. NDCs for meds - in the model but need site-specific details
- sites will ask sites to provide a list with detailed descriptions of encounter types (we usually only get truncated descriptions)
- this is tied to wanting to get HIV visits reported for cases
- will also need to discuss what the sites think should be used to identify/define an HIV visit
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Recommendations for new sites