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Overview of steps for new sites installing ESP for case reporting (draft 9/2017)

  • A kick-off meeting will be helpful, with the appropriate planned
    • Appropriate IT staff and identified point person from the site should be present
    • The implementation kit materials will be provided in advance  
  • Dept of Population Medicine will develop a timeline
  • Provider site will identify a point person
  • During kick-off meeting
    • Develop a timeline
    • Review all materials and processes
  • Site will provide an annotated copy of the File Spec on what they can/can’t report, important notes, etc.
    • Site will provide a list with detailed descriptions of encounter types
  • Discussion of specific data elements of interest with sites will occur at the kick off or subsequent meeting
    • e.g. IV drug use, homelessness - (desired but not yet in modele.g. ); NDCs for meds - in the model but need site-specific details
    • sites will provide a list with detailed descriptions of encounter types (we usually only get truncated descriptions)
    • this is tied to wanting to get HIV visits reported for cases
    • will also need to discuss what the sites think should be used to identify/define an HIV visit

How To Guide

How To Install and Configure ESP on Ubuntu v1.12.docx

Other Materials

ESP_Filespec_04072017.xlsx  - details which EMR fields are necessary for ESP operation and case reporting (this is a draft; final version forthcoming)

ESP server sizing and software dependencies.docx - explains technical resources needed

ESP Provider Tasks.pdf - outlines the process for installing ESP including responsibilities of care provider and Commonwealth Informatics (ESP developer)

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