Here is where you can find documentation on ESP VAERS.
Materials for Clinicians
Clinical Guide For Practice Managers and Clinicians including FAQ
ESP VAERS slide deck for conferences and presentations
ESP VAERS short slide deck for clinical sites
ESP Download and Technical Information
VAERS 2.0 HL7 2.3.1 Messaging Update Documentation
ESP VAERS 2 MDM_T02 specification
How To Install and Configure ESP on Ubuntu 18.04
Technical Guide to Implement ESP VAERS
ESP VAERS Algorithm
ESP VAERS Algorithm v2.2 (Deliverable version from 12.20.18)
ESP Exclusions Table (Deliverable version from 12.20.18)
Helpful Information
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System home page
ESP Implementation Materials - most of these materials were developed to support the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in electronic notifiable disease case reporting but the documents on setting up ESP are general