MDPHnet and RiskScape Users

MDPHnet and RiskScape Users

This page provides guidance for using the MDPHnet Query Tool. The Query Tool is a way to get estimates of disease prevalence across Massachusetts. Users can use the tool to define a disease or condition and receive results of counts by race, sex, age group, and/or town/zip code. The Query Tool is powered by PopMedNet, an open-source software application developed by the Department of Population Medicine (DPM) of the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute (HPHCI), an appointing department of Harvard Medical School. 

Three clinical provider sites provide data to the MDPHnet system, Atrius Health, Cambridge Health Alliance, and the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers. They review all query requests and can confirm or deny as desired. 

Link to the Query Tool

https://querytool.mdphnet.org/. Use the Register for a New Account link to create a new account. For MDPH users, please contact Emily Neumann for the New User Access Form.

MDPHnet Guidance Documents

Query Tool:

Query Tool Quick Guide

Using EHR Data presentation

Example presentation of an investigation using MDPHnet Query Results and recent list of queries

Using the Projected Estimates View

Data Quality/Validation:

Data Quality and Validation Processes


MDPH users can request access to RiskScape, an interactive, web-based data visualization platform that uses the same data platform as the Query Tool. You can find more information on RiskScape at the esphealth.org website. Only MDPH users and clinical site partners can request an account. 

RiskScape User Guide June 2020.docx

Video Discussion by Dr. Michael Klompas on MDPHnet and RiskScape - Demo of RiskScape starts at 12:30.


If you would like to schedule a training, please contact Noelle Cocoros noelle_cocoros@hphci.harvard.edu and Kelly O'Keefe kelly_okeefe@hphci.harvard.edu at the Department of Population Medicine. 


Cocoros NM, Ochoa A,  Eberhardt K, Zambarano B, Klompas M. Denominators Matter: Understanding Medical Encounter Frequency and Its Impact on Surveillance Estimates Using EHR Data. eGEMs (Generating Evidence & Methods to improve patient outcomes). 2019; 7(1): 31, pp. 1–6. Article.

Vogel J, Brown JS, Land T, Platt R, Klompas M. MDPHnet: Secure, distributed sharing of electronic health record data for public health surveillance, evaluation, and planning. American Journal of Public Health 2014;104(12):2265-70. PubMed. 

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